Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Finding difficulty in choosing the right infertility specialist?

Getting pregnant after trying hard can be morale-downing. But when you visit an infertility specialist, he/she will present you with plethora of options. Ultimately, it’s you that have to decide which option is feasible in your case.

So who is Dr. Basic when you’re trying to get pregnant? The average doctor is not easy to find, so how are you supposed to know which one you should see when you’re trying to get pregnant? Some of the more common abbreviations you may see include the following:

M.D.: Medical doctor trained in traditional medicine with four years of medical school after college and a residency length varying with specialty. After that, residency can range from 2-10 years.

D.O.: Doctor of osteopathy. These doctors used to be more trained in manipulation and homeopathic methods, but today’s osteopaths train in programs virtually identical to traditional medical schools.

OB: Obstetrician. This specialist is trained to take care of pregnant women and handle labor and delivery. OBs are also gynecologists but may specialize in pregnancy. Also, you can refer to an infertility specialist.

GYN: Gynecologist. This physician is trained to take care of women’s health. Obstetricians and gynecologists all start with the same four-year residency training after medical school, but they may choose to specialize in one area of the specialty.

Infertility Specialist

RE: Reproductive endocrinologist. This doctor is a graduate of an OB/ GYN program who has chosen to specialize in infertility. After medical school, these doctors complete three years of additional training, called a fellowship, to take tests to become certified for this sub-specialty.

FP: Family practitioner. These doctors have chosen to specialize in the health of the entire family. In some parts of the country they, rather than OBs, handle many women’s health problems, including pregnancy and deliveries.

You may also come across these terms when looking for a doctor:

Board eligible: These doctors have completed the education in their specialty and can now take the tests to become board certified.

Board certified: These doctors have practiced their specialty for two years, taken the tests necessary to be certified, and have passed them.

If you live in a remote area, you may need to start with your family doctor because infertility specialists may not have offices in your area. Also, you may feel more comfortable starting with a doctor who already knows you, such as your OB/GYN or family doctor. If your doctor believes that your case is more complex than he is qualified to treat, he’ll probably refer you to someone more experienced in your particular situation.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Urologists warn against Sexually Transmitted Infections

Summary: If not treated in time, sexually transmitted diseases and infections can spell danger. Urologists are perfectly capable of handling such issues. Remember to search for a good one before booking an appointment.

Oral sex, as we understand, involves giving and receiving oral stimulation to the genital organs. It is highly common practice, especially youths and can be performed on its own or before or after sexual intercourse.

Multiple studies involving acclaimed urologists have stated that oral sex is unsafe on different levels. Both giving and receiving oral sex can spell trouble with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) knocking.

HERPES is the most common STD spread through oral sex. There are two kinds of herpes simplex virus (HSV): HSV type 1, which normally leads to developing cold scores around the mouth and HSV type 2, which usually causes cold scores around the genital organs. If an individual carrying HSV type 1 performs oral sex with another individual, herpes could be transmitted to the genital organs of that person causing genital scores. This process can reciprocate with HSV type 2 transmitting from the genitals to the mouth of other person during oral sex, though it’s a rarity.

GONORHHEA is also very common STD and can be easily transmitted in the course of oral sex. The infection is generally passed from the infected genitals to a person’s throat and vice-versa. Only a urologist having significant experience can handle such infection with perfection.  

SYPHILIS is easily transmitted while individuals engaging in oral sex. It happens when a person’s mouth comes in contact with rash skin caused by the infection. 

Urologists in Delhi

Human papillomavirus which is responsible for genital warts can be transmitted through oral sex as well. However, it rarely happens but cannot be ruled out completely.

CHLAMYDIA is the throat infection caused by oral sex, although it is uncommon. One of the bad things about Chlamydia is that people suffering from this disease are hardly aware of its symptoms. They may never know they are suffering from such health issue.

The possibility of transmitting Hepatitis A virus (found in human faeces) increases significantly when an individual indulges in anal-oral sex. Similarly to Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B (found in sexual fluids and blood), may get transmitted through oral sex. The same can be said about Hepatitis C too.

Worried about your child’s health? Consult a pediatrician

Summary: Motherhood is the best feeling that a woman can cherish for the rest of her life. However, the newborn need proper care to ward off any diseases. Pediatricians tell you which diseases are common and harm your beloved and how you can take care.

Upbringing of a child can be a strenuous task especially if he falls sick or catches a virus. It’s very normal for a new born to catch hold of a disease as the immune system is weak. But the problem arises when he falls sick more often. How do you deal with diseases like stomach problems, throat problems, coughs, asthma, chicken pox, measles and many more that you might have not heard of.

Stomach Problems

1. Thread Worms: These are most common in small children. If you see your child scratching his bottom, check for stools as they may contain thread worms. The female lays the eggs around the anus skin. While your child scratches his bottom, the eggs may get stuck in the nails and ingested when he puts his fingers into the mouth.
Your pediatrician will prescribe a single dose that will destroy all the worms. You can repeat the dose after 14 days. Make sure your child washes hands after visiting the washroom.

Child care Doctors

2. Toxocara Canis: It is a worm carried mostly by dogs and cats. Your child may get affected by it when he plays in areas where animals have emanated. These worms are ingested when your child puts his hands in the mouth. The worms enter the blood and travel to the lungs causing intense coughing. In such situation, the best thing to do is consult an experienced pediatrician.

Throat Problems

Tonsillitis: Tonsils, located at the back of the throat warn against a potential infection. They restrict the entry of the infection and trap it in the throat. This leads to red, swollen throat usually containing white patches. Pediatricians usually prescribe antibiotics to deal with tonsillitis. It’s normal to get a child’s tonsils removed but that generally happens when he has regular attacks leading to ear infections and deafness.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Neurologists say rheumatoid arthritis can be dangerous

Sometime in our lives we all suffer from joint aches, whether at 20 yrs or 50 yrs. It’s best to consult a neurologist when symptoms start to appear.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic form of conventional arthritis, different from osteoarthritis that causes unbearable discomfort, inflammation and loss of mobility in the joints. It is prevalent among the age group 25-55 (both men & women) and can affect any joint but is seen more in wrists and fingers. However, it can happen in any joint of the body.

Osteoarthritis is common in elder people. A class of distinguished neurologists states that rheumatoid arthritis can affect eyes, mouth, heart and lungs. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative conditions occurring due to excessive wear and tear.

Arthritis Specialist

The causes of RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) are unknown. It is referred to as an autoimmune disease. It can occur at any stage of life and particularly common in women than men. Normally, it affects both sides of joints equally such as wrists, fingers, knees, ankles and feet. The extent of this disease varies from person to person. Hereditary genes, certain infections and hormones are known to trigger the onset of the disease.

What are the symptoms?

The disease starts off slowly with symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite, weakness and morning stiffness. Gradually it spreads affecting joints resulting in inflammation. When joints are rested over a longer duration, say overnight sleep, they become warm and tender and succumb to stiffness. Discomfort in the joints is felt on both sides of the body and may affect wrists, fingers, knees, ankles, toes, neck, hips and feet.

The ultimate diagnosis

Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis commences with a neurologist conducting physical examination of joints and other parts of the body. Following that, he will be taking specific blood tests along with others including complete blood count, ESR, C-reactive protein, joint ultrasound or MRI, synovial fluid analysis.

Possible treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis involves lifelong treatment composed of medications, physiotherapy, exercises or even surgery. The disease does not wear off totally but the objective of the treatment is to minimize swelling, pain and prevent joint damage. Early medication has proven to be effective in reducing symptoms.